Currently working on:  Contracted & shiny new idea... 

30 March, 2024: With Damaris releasing today I'm having a few days off to read and binge watch Netflix, then I'm back onto Enforced and a lovely, shiny new idea that left me up late last night handwriting out the visual I had while half-asleep. Let's see if this one turns into a story and possible series. Only time will tell lol!

5 March, 2024: I'm a bit behind things after being sick and trying to recuperate but I'm finally in the right mindset and I'm playing catchup on my writing. Winning Offer released late last month and Damaris will be released late this month. Then it's onto my mafia and sheikh books for a while :)

12 January, 2024: I can't believe we're into a new year, I feel like I'm scrambling just to keep up! Last month I released 13 books!!! To be fair though some were written the year before but that's okay, I'm claiming them all for 2023! This month I will be releasing Winning Offer as well as a few Alien Fugitive stories. But mostly I'll be working on my mafia books and a new sheikh series, beginning with Scorpion.

30 September, 2023: book 7 of my sheikh series released today, with my next mafia story coming soon. My contemporaries are taking up most of my writing time right now, though I do have a few more science fiction stories in my schedule. Love switching genres up :)

13 July, 2023: I'm about halfway through writing my dark mafia romance - first in the series book and hope to have it finished by the end of this month or close to it. Once I get the cover I'll put it up for pre-order. I'm really loving this book and writing once again in first person pov. In the meantime I also have another sheikh story coming up. Believe it or not the very last story in my sheikh books has more words written than this next one (Sheikh's Royal Widow) so I'd better get cracking on it again very soon!

5 May, 2023: Right now I'm writing the finishing touches to Jasper (eek! I'm running out of time!) so that I can go away and enjoy my holiday for a week in Cairns YAY!!! I also have the last book in the Virgin Hunt Games - Volume 6 releasing in a handful of days. I loved writing my cyborg hero. I'd love to hear what you guys think of him! :)

16 March, 2023: It's been an incredibly busy year already so far, with just this month alone three books being released. The 13th of March saw Volume 4 of The Virgin Hunt Games coming out, I'm so happy about that as it's been quite the wait! For those fans of this series, the next two books (volumes 5 and 6) are already written and up for pre-order! It won't be long either for The Sheikh's Fake FiancĂ©e to be released - March 31st as well as Bought at Auction (book 2 of The Bachelors of Sydney series). I have a secret book I'm also writing on the side, but will be mostly concentrating on my science fiction series - Alien Fugitives and my contemporary series - Desert Kings Alliance.

21 January, 2023: I can't believe the first month of 2023 is almost done already!!! WOW! I was lucky enough to go on a writers retreat earlier this month with the lovely Cathleen Ross (hostess) and Christina Phillips. We had a lovely week touring around Sydney and doing touristy things in the mornings, then using the afternoons to write and chat about books and author stuff. Now I'm back home and ready to hit my writing hard. I have loads of books already underway - most of which are up for pre-order. The next book out is my brand new alien series with Nero being book number 1 releasing January 31st :)

15 November, 2022: I'm just doing the finishing touches to The Sheikh's Defiant Princess and Nero (yes, I like to swap from one to another, it keeps things fresh) so that I can get back to the rest of the series including the new sheikh book that decided it had to be written lol! In the meantime, thanks so much for those who have been loving my contemporary sheikh books, I hope you enjoy my alien stories too :)

26 April, 2022: So excited to have Nero - the very first book in my new alien sci-fi series up for pre-order. This will be the series I'll be working on the most once I finish my sheikh books - which may continue on after book 5 is done and dusted, we'll see how things go and what other projects I might commit to (I've also been doing some script writing and some ghost writing on the side). And for those wondering what is going on with my Virgin Hunt Games books, yes they are still coming, but my publisher wanted some changes done to book 4 and the process is going very slowly. Hopefully the next two in the series will come out a whole lot faster.

1 March, 2022: The Sheikh's Captive Lover was released yesterday. I'm enjoying my contemporary writing spin for a few months, though I do have an alien series started and I want to yet finish Galactic Blaze (yes, it's half done). I find I enjoy jumping the two genres but will mostly stick to sheikh contemporary and alien sci-fi romance :)

2 January, 2022: My book Dimensional was released a few days ago. So happy to see it go back out in the world. I don't write a lot of romantic suspense or thrillers but this one is a little of both. I hope you all enjoy it :)

27 November, 2021: So happy that I managed to release The Sheikh's Runaway Bride much earlier than I had anticipated and readers seem to be enjoying it with lots of page reads on Amazon KU. I'm now working on the next two books in the Desert Kings Alliance series between edits for my Virgin Hunt Games series. Yes, there are three more books yet to come. I've also been busy working on a ghostwriting project and a few novella stories for Chapters. No rest for the wicked lol!! 

2 October, 2021: Wow, there has been a 'bit' of a gap in my news lately lol!! That is because I've been working madly to keep up to deadlines as well as some other projects including my new indie series: Desert Kings Alliance. This is a brand new contemporary sheikh romance series (the first one up for pre-order now) based on four hero friends and the women they claim. Also I'm re-releasing my contemporary call girl series - the VIP Desire Agency. I have three of them out now with the next couple (plus the boxset) in the works. I'm seriously loving the covers for them! Also for those who have been loving the boxsets I've been doing with Christine Phillips and Cathleen Ross, we have recently released a new one - Resisting the Firefighter. :)

15 February, 2021: A quick update to say THANK YOU to all those readers who nominated MUTANT UNVEILED as a finalist in the ARRA Sci-fi, Futuristic and Fantasy awards. I'm beyond honored! :)

14 February, 2021: Happy Valentines Day to all who celebrate it!! I've just been doing a quick update to my website as book 2 of The Virgin Hunt Games releases tomorrow! YAY!!! Some early reviewers have mentioned this book is a little bit darker and more erotic with lots of adrenaline to keep readers on the edge of their seats. But never fear, romance is still on my mind. Despite the trials and tribulations of the Games the hero and heroine of each book have each other's backs. Happy Reading Everyone xx

16 December, 2020: Just a quick note to let you all know the first three books of The Virgin Hunt Games will be released once a month starting from book 1 - the 18th of January. Books 2 and 3 will be released the 15th of Feb and March respectively. SUCH a great feeling to see them be out in the world so soon, with another two books already written and book six in the planning stages. Also wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate and hope you all have a wonderful New Year! :0

15 September, 2020: It's release day for The Queen, the last book in my Dragons of Riddich series. I so hope you all enjoy this fast paced story that takes place on the planet Tantonic. I'm so happy its finished and yet sad to say goodbye too...but who knows what the future holds! In the meantime get ready for a brand new story (The first chapter sample is at the back of The Queen) set in a futuristic, apocalyptic world where a chemical fallout has created some mutants with different and unusual powers. I loved this story and hope you guys will too!

01 July, 2020: Well half of 2020 is done and dusted. I swear the world is spinning faster! I have so much book news to share though! I will soon be revealing the cover for Mutant Unveiled - which will be released a few shorts weeks after The Queen. Hurray! I know a lot of readers have been waiting for the Dragons of Riddich series to finally be wrapped up. So sorry for the lateness of that book. I've been on deadline writing a series of longer books for my publisher - those science fiction books though will hopefully be released at the end of the year - fingers crossed! In the meantime, I hope everyone is staying safe in these crazy times. Reading books right now couldn't make more sense :)

02 April, 2020: So happy to see all three books in my Alien Hunger series out in the world again. I will also be releasing a brand new book in the series (I had actually started it and forgotten about it when my publisher folded). In the meantime I have the cover for The Queen (Dragons of Riddich) up on my facebook Mel Tescho Author page for those who'd like a sneak peek. It's SO different to the rest of the covers in that series, but I love it. I hope you are all managing to keep isolated and safe. I'm so very lucky that I work from home but so many others aren't (including my family). Scary times indeed. Time to read a book :)

22 Feb, 2020: Wow, it's been a while since I updated here! February 14th saw the re-release of Galactic Burn, with the next two stories coming out soon and on pre-order. The second book, Galactic Inferno comes out at the end of this month, and the third book, Galactic Flame comes out at the end of March. SO good to get my Alien Hunger series back into the world. It's a fated mates genre so please be aware of that. Also be aware the first book has three heroes for the heroine - lucky girl tehee! Also working on The Queen and the 4th book for my publisher. Hope to get them both done within the next few months. So that's it, think I've caught up on my news for now. Happy reading everyone xxx

29 October, 2019: I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I had a wonderful Christmas with my family. Ate too much. Drank too much. But I appreciate the time I get to spend with them. Here's to hoping the New Year will bring lots of great things to us all! I'm looking forward to cracking into writing again (not that I've stopped...) and seeing my books out in the world in 2020 xxx

23 October, 2019: Abducting the Princess is now out in the world and the last book in the series, Seducing the Huntress will be out late November of this year. SO happy to see them back out as I loved these stories. I've added some scenes and made a few minor changes as these were published originally with EC. In the meantime I've got so much writing to do!! I have The Queen to finish off, which will be released hopefully early next year. Once the Dragons of Riddich stories are finally done I can release my Mutant stories. I've also started a secret project (will keep it secret for now lol) and doing lots of stories for my new publisher. These sci-fi erotic romances won't be released until I have a few of them done and dusted first  :)

2nd July, 2019: Highest Bid has got some lovely reviews, right along with some less than stellar ones. This story is one that I knew readers would love or hate, but it was fantastic to get such a glowing review from Publisher's Weekly! I also did one final read through on Valor and I hope my readers enjoy this story as much as the rest in the series. Can't believe it's almost at the end - and the final book will be set almost exclusively on the alien planet, Tantonic. Last but definitely not least, I'll be re-reading The Virgin Hunt Games book 2 tomorrow and adding in some final touches as well as the last few chapters before making a start on book 3. I'll be focusing solely on these books now so that Entangled can get them out back-to-back and hopefully readers will love them! Of course there will be a fair amount of hot sex (the title says it all) but like book 1 there will also be lots of fast paced action and tension :)

12th April, 2019: Valor is now up for pre-order!! So excited as this has been a long time coming. For all the links, click onto the home page and scroll down and click on my blog. So happy to get this one to my readers AND there will be one more book in the works :)

10th March, 2019: For those readers wondering what has happened with Defective - and especially those wonderful people *g* who have pre-ordered the first book in the series, my editor and publisher (and myself of course!) have decided we want to push the heat factor even more for this story - and the entire series. The naughty sexiness will now be off-the-charts HOT, and the book bigger and better! For those readers who prefer your stories sweet, you might have to turn the other way on this one lol. (as much as it pains me to say it!)You'll also see a title change that is actually the series name and possibly a new blurb.In the meantime, thank you to all my readers (old and new) for your patience, I'm working my butt off to get this back to my fabulous editor in the next few days xx

ps - I'm also working on some other books including Dragons of Riddich, though Valor may be pushed back because of time constraints. I will do everything I can though to finish it without sacrificing its storyline x

7th September, 2018: I recently released the last book in my VIP Desire Agency series: Uninhibited. I'm seriously going to miss writing about these women of the night! But it frees up my time now to complete other contracts, as well as my indie project with my dragons. Yet another series I'm going to miss when it ends. (So tempted to keep writing about them with a new craft of dragons arriving on Earth). I currently have three books on the go at the moment, so I have no idea at this stage which one will finish first. Right now though I'm writing the first book in a series for Tule, a contemporary story which I hope you guys will love :)

30th May, 2018: Just a quick update for those who haven't recently visited my blog. I have a new cover and title for what was originally called Believe, it is now No Ordinary Gift, a 100k novel that is so different to what I normally write. A cross between paranormal and inspirational, and co-written with Kylie Sheaffe. Another recent release, As I Am, is getting wonderful reviews, I'm so thrilled that it has touched so many readers hearts :)

12th April, 2018: Just a quick update with where I'm at! I have a few new releases over the next couple of months, including As I Am through Tule Publishing. I loved this book, and it's a full length book around 54k. And yes this is the story about the heroine who has arthritis, and has had it since the age of five. It is based on my eldest daughter's condition, so I hope I gave the story justice :) I also have Wyatt coming in June, another installment to my Dragons of Riddich series. Love my dragons! And staying quiet on a story coming hopefully this year with Entangled Publishing! More news soon... x

2nd March, 2018: A few days ago I signed a contract with Entangled Publishing for a sci-fi book. I'm so very excited to be with them and the wonderful Tule Publishing. I will also continue with my indie books too as I'm more productive writing two or three stories on the go. Oh the joys of a short attention span lol.

5th February, 2018: Today is the official re-release day of ALL nine books in the Dirty Sexy Space series. My three books in the continuity are Yours to Uncover, Mine to Serve & Ours to Share with Denise Rossetti and Shona Husk writing the other six books. We had such fun with these, and we hope our readers enjoy them too :)

3rd January, 2018: I'm so pleased that Lusting the Enemy is now re-released - 1st January 2018 - what a great start to the year! This one was originally released through a publisher and is finally coming to life again with about 10k of extra words added (my readers often say they wish my stories were long - hey, I listened lol!) There will be two more books in this series, which I'll be adding word count to and publishing this year. I've got quite a few books coming out this year (at least four new releases and five re-releases) - so watch this space :)

14th December, 2017: I'm a bit slow with my news but late yesterday, Dahlia was released through Amazon and Kobo (waiting for other vendors to upload now) - so belated Happy Release Day to me lol!! Loving these books and the many problems my Riddich characters face. There will be a whole different set of problems for the heroine in my next book, Wyatt. Ahh, I love to make my characters bleed (for just a little while...)  Stay tuned for heaps more news coming soon!! I'll be sending out a newsletter later today so don't forget to subscribe! Have a wonderful, Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you spend it with your family and friends xx

31st October, 2017: I'm making good progress on Dahlia, Dragons of Riddich, and hope to release this book sometime at the end of November! I also have many books releasing over the course of the next few months/early next year (check my coming soon page), which includes Sexy Dirty Space - a nine book continuity I had previously released through Pan Macmillian with Shona Husk and Denise Rossetti. There are also two more books in my VIP Desire Agency through Tule Publishing, and a standalone title with a young heroine who lives with rheumatoid arthritis. I also have a mutant book I need to release - once I get the cover and make a half decent start on the next in the series! And last but not least, I'm hoping my new series, The Virgin Hunt Games, will find a home with a publisher (waiting to hear back for acquiring editor). 2018 is shaping up to be a very busy year!!! :)

2nd August, 2017: I'm a day late announcing my latest release, Blood Chance, but LOVE the cover and this short novella is one of my very first stories (and still one of my favs). I'm also going to do a re-read of Defective in the next few days and send to my editor. I love this story and can't wait to make it a series, I just hope my (possible) publisher agrees!! I've also signed a contract for "As I Am" (working title) which is based on a heroine with rheumatoid arthritis. This story is seriously close to my heart as my eldest daughter has suffered from this condition since the age of five. It has attacked her eye, and just about every part of her body except her spine and hips. She even had a knuckle replacement so her husband could slide a ring on her finger at their wedding day. SO proud of everything she's done in her 27 years! Look out for that book sometime between Feb-April of 2018 through Tule Publishing :)

12th April, 2017: I've received the stunning cover for Exclusive (shared on my blog), which is the third book in the VIP Desire Agency series. Fingers crossed it will be released through Tule in the next few months! Existence is my vampire story told in first person, it's now available as an early pre-order from Totally Bound. The boxed set, Taken by the Desert Sheikh, with Christina Phillips and Cathleen Ross, will also be going up soon as a pre-order! (release date mid to late June at this stage.) In the meantime I'm working hard on my next three books. Liberated is the contemporary fourth story in the VIP Desire Agency series with one heroine and two heroes. The Virgin Hunt Games is my sci-fi fantasy, I think the title says it all lol! And then my sci-fi paranormal story, Dahlia, book 4 in the Dragons of Riddich series. These will keep me out of trouble for a  good while :))) 

6th February, 2017: I'm so excited this year with a new publisher who'll bring many of my stories to life, and possibly some of my reverted books back to life as well! I'm also continuing on with my Dragons of Riddich stories and will soon be putting the finishing touches to the Sheikh's Rebel - keep an eye out for the boxed set Taken by the Desert Sheikh, which my story will be a part of! Hopefully more good news to follow!

22nd December, 2016: I'm really happy to have Kadin, book 1 (prequel), Dragons of Riddich up on pre-order, with books 2 and 3 released soon after! I'm loving this series and hope you guys love it too! I also have Exclusive ready to go with my wonderful publisher, Tule. This is another series I really love writing. In the meantime Christmas is just around the corner and I'm so looking forward to a few days off to hang out with the family. I hope everyone has a great and relaxing Christmas too :)

1st October, 2016: With no edits looming just yet and no official deadline at this stage to worry about, I've been working on three books in my 'spare' time. Asher: Dragons of Riddich is the first story in a five book series I plan to self-publish. My word count goal for these books will be around the 40k mark. The Virgin Hunt Games is another sci-fi, except it's set in the future where the Olympics have been abandoned for this erotic, and at times blood thirsty games, where women are pitted against men (literally). Finally The Sheikh's Rebel will be part of another box set with Christina Phillips and Cathleen Ross - read our best selling "Taken by the Sheikh" to get a taste of what is to come :)

12th September, 2016: Last night I sent away the third book in my VIP Desire Agency series: Exclusive. I'm really going to miss writing these girls stories and maybe one day down the track I'll add to the series, but in the meantime I have a LOT on my plate. I've just started work on my next sheikh story with Christina Phillips and Cathleen Ross, which should be released early next year, and I'm also working on The Virgin Hunt Games - an erotic sci fi futuristic hunger games (so much fun to write!) I actually have seven books right now with different publishers, so I'm hoping some more good news will be broadcast very soon :)

26th June, 2016: It's just a few days away from my next book in the VIP Desire series, High Class, to be released. I've loved writing about these call girl women, their lives in and out of the bedroom. I'm planning a few more of these stories in the future, so I hope you readers will love them as much as I have. I have a few other things in the pipeline I'm waiting to hear about, so hope to have more news soon! :)

25th March, 2016: Parallel Roads releases today!! I hope you enjoy this long length story, it was so much fun to write! 

18th March, 2016: I'm about 5-10k from finishing High Class, the second book in my call girl series (tentatively titled VIP Agency Girls). Loving the emotional aspect of what this profession can do to its workers, and love delving into the trust issues especially. High Class is all about Scarlet (you might remember her from Book 1 - Lady in Red) and her love for Mackenzie. I'm also working on Existence (vampire paranormal) and the 2nd book in my mutant series. I hope to have more news about those stories soon!

19th February, 2016: Seriously shocked by how fast the months are flying by - I even skipped a month in my updates! So right now I'm working on High Class - the second book for Tule in my call girl series. I'm loving this story! I'm also making some time to write my next longer length mutant story, Mutant Awakened, and want to get stuck into Existence, which has been on my mind quite a bit lately!

21st December, 2015: I can't believe Christmas is four days away! I'm busy with family stuff, but I'm also busy finishing off my next 'Taken' story which I'm doing with authors Christina Phillips and Cathleen Ross. We so loved doing our boxed set on Sheikhs, we decided 'Billionaires' was next. This set will be out in January and will be out on pre-order soon! Also coming out in January is Clarissa - part of the Secret Confessions continuity through Harlequin Escape. More news coming soon!

4th December, 2015: Some of you may have noticed 'my books' page has slimmed right down. That's because I made the heartbreaking decision to follow suit with many many other Ellora's Cave authors to FINALLY pull down any stories published by Ellora's Cave. It makes me sad having to do this but there is no other way around it. These are MY books, each one of them taking many months of hard work. I will NOT accept my pay going into someone else's pocket. I honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone.

8th November, 2015: Selena's Bodyguard is done and up for pre-order in the boxed set: Christmas Assortment Box - stories for everyone! Now back to work on Her Dark Guardian for Tule, and also Taken by the Billionaire Stepbrother! A very busy last couple of months leading up to Christmas, but I'm loving writing for some great publishers and wonderful friends!

22nd October, 2015: I'm currently around 12k word count on Her Dark Guardian, which I've changed back into a contemporary for my publisher. This story was started around 2008 and won/finaled in some nice USA comps, but it's been sitting gathering dust and I'm slowly bringing it back to life. Can't wait to finally see this one out in cyber land! I'm also trying to finish off Mutant Supreme for an open submission for a publisher and then hope to start on another Taken boxed set with my author buddies, Christina Phillips and Cathleen Ross. Early next year I will have four - five new releases, keep an eye out =)

8th September, 2015: Lady in Red (Enraptured) is in the process of being reworked from a 19k novella into a 35kish story. Sounds simple enough *cough* - I've added 4k so far...will see if I can get it to the magic word count for the publisher!

15th August, 2015: Broken is now all handed in and I'm waiting to hear back from the publisher if it's a goer. In the meantime I'm now working on a short story, Selena's Bodyguard, for an anthology with some amazing authors. More news on that later. Next will be another boxed set with Christina Phillips and Cathleen Ross...Taken by the Billionaire. Look out for it in the next few months!!

23rd July, 2015: It's release day today for Ours to Share, book eight in the ES Siren book series with Shona Husk and Denise Rossetti. My two heroines and one hero unashamedly spend quite some time in the bedroom, so if you want a lot of spicy reading, this ones your kind of book! Working on a lot of projects right now, so hope to have some more news very soon!

27th May, 2015: I'm at the 50k mark with Mutant Supreme and have started a contemporary story based on a heroine with a crippling illness. This story touches a deep part of me as it is based on my eldest daughter's condition. More news on that later. I've finished a 10k story that is still a 'seekrit' but hope to announce news about it soon! Looks like two more stories will be in the works before the end of the year, one short at around 15k and one around 25k. I have so many unfinished projects I promised myself I'd finish. The first one will likely be Feline Freak.

22nd March, 2015: Trying hard to get Mutant Supreme finished between other projects I have going on, including a short story for an anthology - all I can say at this stage is it's about cowboys! I'm also prepping to do another boxed set with Cathleen Ross and Christina Phillips, and possibly another ES Siren book with Shona Husk and Denise Rossetti. FUN!!! :)

26th February, 2015: I can't believe this is my first post for 2015, and it's already nearly into the third month - crazy!! My gargoyle series, Winged & Dangerous will be released in a few days as a boxed set for the super low price of .99 - but this will only be for a couple of weeks! Wait until you see the cover - pure genius!! Also very soon my Housewives story, Camilla, will be out through Harlequin Escape. I loved the idea behind this continuity with such great authors! I expect I'll be posting more news here soon =)

29th December, 2014: Taken by the Sheikh official release was Christmas Day, and it's been doing wonderfully, with loads of five star reviews and lots of lovely sales - thank you lovely readers! I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful and here's to a great New Year!

30th November, 2014: Looks like Dimensional might have found a home...but haven't signed a contract yet so will have more news to tell at a later date! In the meantime Mine to Share was released the 25th of this month and getting some nice reviews - thanks readers, they're much appreciated! It's been such fun working with Shona Husk and Denise Rossetti on these awesome sci-fi stories! Ours to Share (my next ES Siren story) will be amping up the heat quite a bit, with two heroines and one hero in outer space. *happy sigh* Best job in the world!! :)

8th November, 2014: Can't believe how quick the time has gone! Christmas is just around the corner. Speaking of Christmas - Christina Phillips, Cathleen Ross and Moi are releasing a boxed set for the introductory price of .99c - release day IS Christmas day. If you love Sheikh stories then I'll think you'll love our sheikh brothers! Keep your eyes out for Taken by the Sheikh. Also a bit closer to release day is the 2nd bundle of the ES Siren books, which I'm doing with Shona Husk and Denise Rossetti. These books will be released the 25th of this month. Mine to Serve is about a pilot of the Siren who falls for a lowly laundress prisoner. Loved this story :)

12th September, 2014: So much has happened just recently but I'd been slack in regards to my website (check out my blog if you want to view the latest news). The end of August saw me republish my short novella, Carnal Moon as an indie book for 99c - loving the new cover! I also had a cover reveal for my Harlequin Escape story (one of eleven in a continuity with other great authors - more info on my blog). Aside from that Dimensional is hopefully finding a home soon, totally adore that book! And I'm working on a sheikh story with two other authors. More news on that soon!

29th August, 2014: Yesterday my story, Yours to Uncover, went live! Its an erotic sci fi continuity (ES Siren) published with Momentum, where three authors tell a different story with their own characters about the same journey to Solitaire, a new habitable planet. I loved working with Shona Husk and Denise Rossetti, and there are three more books between us to come!

20th July, 2014: I'm sitting writing this in my new house, with wonderful views of the surrounding mountains to inspire me. I hope so! I have a deadline coming up and I'm way behind! But I've listened to my readers. I plan on finishing Galactic Blaze this year, and then I'll be writing another gargoyle story for my Winged & Dangerous series. I do have a LOT of other stories I need to finish too, so bear with me :)

16th June, 2014: Shadow Hunter is finally released today!!! At around 3 dollars it's a bargain for a full length novel! If you enjoy vampires, werewolves and shape shifters, all  in an Australian setting, I hope you'll love this book (and even better - review it!) *smiles*

15th June, 2014: So happy to get a cover and release date for SCRATCH. You'll find the brilliant cover on my blog - EC have really outdone themselves this time. This book will be released June 20th. Also, I'm working on Shadow Hunter, and should have it self published in the next few days. This is over 60k so a much longer read for those of you who have asked for more words. The manuscript sat with Entangled for quite some time but their Covet line changed and a requirement was less paranormal elements - so I've decided to keep this book just how it is. Can't wait to show off the cover!!

13th May, 2014: I've been having lots of fun working on a new project with a bunch of other authors, which I can't say too much about just yet, except that it's HOT! Also waiting on first edits for my sci-fi continuity, Yours to Uncover, as well as word on both Shadow Hunter and Dimensional. Scratch should be out at Ellora's Cave very soon! =)

29th March, 2014: Thanks to everyone who has bought my latest Ellora's Cave release, Seducing the Huntress. This is is the last book in the Nightmix series. Once my other writing commitments are finished, I plan to write Galactic Blaze (possibly the last book in my Alien Hunger series) and another book in my gargoyle series - Winged & Dangerous. I have 2 books contracted with Momentum (Pan Macmillan) for a futuristic Sci-Fi continuity with good mates and brilliant writers, Denise Rossetti and Shona Husk. And I'm still waiting to hear back from Entangled for a contract (hopefully!) for Shadow Hunter. I have some other writing news coming up, hope to reveal all soon!!

8th March, 2014: The last book in the Nightmix series, Seducing the Huntress, will be released the 26th of this month. YAY!! I have so much writing on my plate, plus have started a part time job, so am learning to adjust and juggle my writing. I should have another Alien Hunger book released this year - Galactic Blaze, but have a few other projects I need to finish first. I do tend to jump from one writing project to another, which can be messy at times, but it's the way my must (and short attention span) copes.

21st February, 2014: It's been a while between updates, but happy to say Dimensional is finished and now the waiting game begins! Still a few other projects I'm waiting to hear back on but hope to hear some more good news very soon =)

19th December, 2013: I am seriously gobsmacked that Christmas is just around the corner, and another year almost gone! Amazing how quickly my children are growing, not to mention my two grandchildren!! On the writing front, I've received some edits for Seducing the Huntress, book 3 of the Nightmix series and I'm also heading toward the end of Dimensional, if all goes to plan (mwahahahaaaaaaaaaaa - when do things ever go to plan?!!?) Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And a LOT of reading!! =)

7th December, 2013: Now that I've finished edits for Scratch, I'm concentrating on finishing Dimensional. It's at around 50k word count right now, so at least another 30k to go and I'll be happy! Also Abducting the Princess is out in a handful of days, I hope you guys love the story, book 2 of the Nightmix series! Hope to have more news soon =)

29th November, 2013: Shadow Hunter is in with my editor and I'm just waiting to hear back to see if it's a go or a no. I have so many other books at different stages of completion, including a young adult novel that I'm really excited about. I've never been one to stick with one ms and go with it, if something else takes my fancy, I'll write it for a few days or a week, however long I need, before going back to an old ms to finish it off. It keeps things fresh for me, though a little untidy lol. I am presently working on four books, not including my edits, plus I've started writing Galactic Blaze in freehand, which I need to get out too. Looks like the series I want to indie publish will have to wait for a bit...

12 November, 2013: I have my cover art for Abducting the Princess and I'm so impressed! Ellora's Cave do the best covers and this one is no exception. (you can find it on my blog). Which means Abducting should be out soon - hopefully within the next month or two! I'll shout it out when it is lol! Also Believe has been getting some amazing reviews, so don't forget to grab yourself a copy. It's really different, very deep and emotional.

7 November, 2013: Believe was released a few days ago *breaks out streamers!* If you get a chance to read it you'll see how different it is from anything I've done before, thanks to Kylie Sheaffe's input and just the characters themselves coming into being. It's a great book, and at 2.99 for a long-length novel, it's a bargain that's for sure! Happy reading everyone =)

4 November, 2013: All the edits are in for my co-authored book, Believe, which will be released hopefully in the next couple of days. If you want a change from reading erotic romance, try this 100k book out! Ghosts, psychics and a hero with a drug problem as he battles to understand his own dreams and visions. I also have two more novellas released through Ellora's Cave soon, Abducting the Princess and seducing the Huntress, these are books 2 and 3 of the NightMix series (Lusting the Enemy is book 1).

27 September, 2013: I'm working on my 90kish book Dimensional, and hope to get it finished at the end of this year. I'm also working on a 'secret' project with a couple of other great Aussie authors, more news on that later. But between edits from Ellora's Cave and Soul Mate, and another full length book I need to edit asap (i need some time!!) for Entangled, I can't see any other writing getting done this year. Phew. It's pretty full on!

15 July, 2013: I've been working diligently on Seducing the Huntress and should have it finished within the week! My Ellora's Cave editor already has the 2nd book in the Nightmix series and also another standalone (with options for a series) book that I've self published in the past (Identity Shift). Another book due for release this year is with my new publisher, Soul Mate, with my co-written book BELIEVE. It's an inspirational, and is very very different to my usual tone, but it's something I'm excited about! =)

3 July, 2013: It's release day for ENRAPTURED! Woot!!! So wonderful to see a new book come out, hope you guys enjoy the read! Working hard now on Seducing the Huntress, so that I make Deadline, then most of my attention will be devoted to finishing off Dimensional.

13 June, 2013: Just found out that Enraptured will be released July 3rd. Happy days! If you loved Pretty Woman, I'm hoping you'll also enjoy this story =)

27 May, 2013: I've changed my short story title that was originally, Eva's World (boring, right?) to Feline Freak. This will be the first in a series of shorts or novellas (not erotic though, as it won't be for Ellora's Cave) that will be linked by a special unity with animals. Other possible names for future titles: Equine Empath, Canine Curse. Of course these title may well change too lol! On another topic, my call girl story, Enraptured, should have a release date very soon. Can't wait to see this one come out - and the cover, it's just gorgeous! More news soon =)

11 May, 2013: I'm really excited about a couple of new projects coming up. Just waiting on affirmation before I can announce it (but it will be sci-fi). Also had an idea for a series of shorts, which I can't wait to get out there! (not self-pubbed). In the meantime I'm starting book 3 of the NightMix series, Seducing the Huntress. Nothing like a bit of shape-shifting story telling to get the blood flowing. In the meantime Dimensional is still waiting for its day in the sun - it's coming!! LOL

3 April, 2013: Can't believe we're into the 4th month of the year already! I'm now at a temporary new home until we build, so I'm WAY behind the eight ball. Also caught a horrible bug not long after I moved, but feeling loads better and will start playing catch up. Am at the finishing line with Abducting the Princess, a novella that is set in the same world as Lusting the Enemy. Then I'll be starting on the 3rd novella in the series, before hopefully getting stuck into Dimensional.

7 March, 2013: I'm currently filling in the cover art form for BELIEVE, my co-authored book with Kylie Sheaffe that will be sold as an inspirational. This ms was over two years in the making and a whole lot of hard work, so I hope readers enjoy the fruits of our labor lol!

22 February, 2013: Three days ago my 3rd Alien Hunger novel was released! Galactic Flame. It's my first novel-length published book, but it won't be my last. I hope you guys enjoy the read! Also, my short contemporary published with Momentum, Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon, is FREE for two weeks only.

3 February, 2013: The third book in my Alien Hunger series, Galactic Flame, is due for release on the 20th of this month (woo hooo!!). Though I have to say I've been amazingly lucky with my covers, I think the art dept have totally excelled themselves with this one. I also have some other news, which I have to keep under my hat for the moment, but damn I'm busting to spill the news lol! =) In the meantime I'm doing a couple of light revisions for my novella, Enraptured (originally entitled, Call Girl) before sending to my Ellora's Cave editor. Hope to have a release date for that one soon =)

16 January, 2013: After taking Identity Shift down in late December from the Amazon site, all the other e-tailers have finally now followed suit and I've had to remove the cover, excerpt and reviews etc from my blog and website *swipes a tear* It's like losing a dear friend. But rest assured it will be re-releasing at a later date, hopefully with Ellora's Cave, with a few changes and a few thousand more words, and a nice shiny new cover! And you'll no doubt see the old cover resurrected with a brand new short story (indie) for around .99 cents. In the mean time I'd better get cracking! I've got a deadline looming for the next book in my new series, of which Lusting the Enemy is book 1 =)

15 January, 2013: I can't believe it's halfway through the first month on the new year already! But great news, book 2 of Alien Hunger - Galactic Inferno - has been nominated for the ARRA awards in the Best Erotic Category. This is a big deal so I'm REALLY stoked. And won't forget that Lusting the Enemy was also nominated for Best Cover Category! Thanks to all who voted for me, a big HUGGLES!!

21 December, 2012: Lusting the Enemy was released a couple of days ago *woot* and I'm about to email Call Girl to my lovely editor - then I can finally play catchup with my website and put up my new cover etc. I'll be doing this over the next few days, so please bear with me. I'm also in the final stages of painting my house before moving once we sell, so I'm WAY behind lol!! Hope everyone has a brilliant Christmas and New Year =))

20 November, 2012: My wonderful new editor emailed to let me know my shape shifter fantasy story, Lusting the Enemy, now has a release date. Not to mention a cover!!! (check my blog or Jasmine Jade 'coming soon' pages). December 19 is my story's time to shine in the sun. And hopefully shine it will! =)) I'd love to hear what you readers think of it, please feel free to email and let me know *smiles*

1 November, 2012: It's release day for Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon - very excited!!! This is a contemporary short (gasp!) but don't worry, I pushed the boundaries in this one - domestic violence isn't an easy issue to write about. On other news, my Ellora's Cave editor now has Lusting the Enemy and Galactic Flame so I hope to see them released soon, probably early next year.

17 October, 2012: I've had some emails about both my Alien Hunger series and Winged and Dangerous. Which book would you prefer to come out next? I have a poll on the sidebar of my blog available for a couple of weeks if you'd care to take a vote. Thanks for taking the time to let me know, it's much appreciated =)

27 September, 2012: Happy to announce my short story, Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon, through Pan Macmillan's, Momentum, is available for pre-order at Amazon for the very modest price of $1.04 - it's been a while since I've written anything contemporary, but I still pushed the boundaries with this one in its subject matter (domestic violence), not an easy one to write but loved that my heroine got her happily ever after. In other news, my 25k dystopian novel has been accepted with Ellora's Cave. It's had quite the title changes. Larakyte became NightMix and now finally, "Lusting the Enemy." I have my fingers crossed this one might be out before the end of 2012. Oh and speaking of title changes, Galactic Storm has been changed to Galactic Flame in keeping to my series titles =))

14 September, 2012: I've been so lucky with the quality of my covers - and my latest one with my new publisher, Momentum, is no exception (see blog). Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon is  a short story, but I'm so glad it got it's own cover! This will be released in Novemeber as a 99c read, a nice affordable story for anyone on a budget =)

1 September, 2012: I'm so excited by the collection of 13 short stories that Momentum (Pan Macmillan) will be releasing soon. My short story, Beneath the LIght of a Silver Moon, is amongst the first five that will be released this November! (See my 'coming soon' page for blurb). Galactic Storm (which I think may have a title change before sending to editor) is three days away from completion. Still have high hopes Ellora's Cave will release it before the end of this year =)

9 August, 2012: Identity Shift is FREE for a limited time. Click onto my blog to find the details =)

26 July, 2012: So I've been working diligently on Shadow Hunter, and all the while wondering if it's a book that can ever be published (think run-on sentences and caricature-like descriptions of my characters). I had given myself a week to complete it...well cue manic laughter! That's just not going to cut it! It's going to take MUCH longer to get up to scratch. Meanwhile Galactic Storm is coming along nicely at close to 10k - 1/3 of the way there (unless it becomes a novel). I plan to hand it in before the end of next month =) 

11 July, 2012: Wow, where does the time go!? Galactic Inferno and Galactic Burn are doing really well and I've had some fan mail asking for more--so yes, I've started on book 3, Galactic Storm, which will be mostly set on the alien's planet! I'm also working on Dimensional and Chameleon, and hope to have all three done by the end of the year. Waiting to hear back on Nightmix (25k story) and Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon (short story) from different publishers, but fingers crossed there will be some good news on those soon too!

2 June, 2012: Release date for Galactic Inferno is June 13th (US date). I adored these characters - even Bonnie, the dog =)

28 March, 2012: I'm pleased to announced Galactic Inferno, Book 2 of the Alien Hunger series, has been accepted by Ellora's Cave. The first book, Galactic Burn, is undoubtedly my most popular short novel so far, despite the varying ratings. Wow, I've never had such a mixed response to a book, some love it, some hate it. It's still selling remarkably well, so I hold hope most do actually enjoy the read =)). I'm also around 2/3 of the way through my fantasy shape shifter novella Larakyte, and hope to finish it over the next week or so. After that's done, I have 4 other stories in the works - all of them but one, longer length fiction =))

4 February, 2012: It's been a long while between posts (my blog gets too much of my attention!) but I'm pleased to say Galactic Inferno has been handed into my editor and *hopefully* accepted! I'm working on quite a few books and this year intend to finish at least one standalone novella, but hopefully two, as well as two books of a long length shifter series (around 80k a book) and then I'll go agent/publisher hunting once I finish off my single title book Dimensional. Speaking of single title books -- Believe has had a few bites of interest but so far it's gathering dust - though I still expect to sell my co-authored book down the track, *soon* hopefully! (Need I say that book was over 2 years in the making!! LOL)

31 December, 2011: Thank you so much to all the readers who've loved the SWTWC anthology, it's brilliant to get such great reviews! I'm working on quite a few different books right now, but am mostly focused on finished book 2 in the Alien Hunger series. Totally loving this story so far. I had planned to make it a novella, but it's already past that and looking like it might be a short story length of around 30k or so. I hope you all have a great New Year! Can hardly believe tonight will see 2011 gone!

20th December, 2011: I can't believe the official release of SWTWC is only hours away! This anthology has already had some great reviews (you can find these on my blog) which is fantastic! In other news, I'm close to finishing off book 2 in my Alien Hunger series! AND I have written a short contemporary story which will be released early next year as part of an anthology - more news on that later. I've started a new series, but keeping that under my belt for now (so to speak) but it's something I"m really excited about =) I also have a few other writing projects I get to when the mood takes me, so hopefully I'll have some more news to tell in 2012 =)))

14th December, 2011: I'm a little late announcing that, but yes you can pre-order the Something Wicked This Way Comes anthology from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It will then be available from these stores December 20 and from the Ellora's Cave (Jasmine Jade) site December 28th. What a cool Christmas present *wink*

2nd December, 2011: The blurbs are out for the SWTWC anthology! Read them on my blog or in the 'coming soon' page of the Jasmine Jade site! All the stories sound fabulous =)

21 November, 2011: Something Wicked This Way Comes (anthology) is tentatively due to be released the 23rd December (US). Sounds like a great Christmas present =))

29 October, 2011: Red-Hot Lover is out today (28th in USA) - so excited to have my 3rd book out in the big wide world *g*

19 October, 2011: My third installment in the Winged & Dangerous series, Red-Hot Lover is due for release 28th October - yes, this month! Ellora's Cave do quick turnarounds with their books (I'm happy to say!) My story Dragon Heat in volume 1 of the anthology Something Wicked This Way Comes, has a tentative release date of October 31 to coincide with Halloween. Have my fingers crossed we'll make that date! Meanwhile I've been working on my 2nd book of the Alien Hunger series, Galactic Inferno. With the mixed response I had with book 1, I'm determined the 2nd book will be much more liked by everyone in general!! I have other books on the boil, but I will talk about them at a later date...

11 September, 2011: I've really had the cover gods look after me, with the design of my recently released book IDENTITY SHIFT, designed by Helen at Helzcat design. This is available at Amazon and Smashwords for 99c - bargain!! I loved writing this novella, my first big-cat shape shifter story!

2 September, 2011: I just received the cover for Red-Hot Lover - the third book in my Winged & Dangerous series - and I love it!! Check it out on my blog. Now I'm waiting on news for it's release date as well as the anthology: Something Wicked This Way Comes, book 1. In other news, I'm self publishing a shape-shifter novella entitled Identity Shift. This should be on Amazon in the next day or two, and then Smashwords and other sites! In the meantime, I'd better get writing!

8 August, 2011: If you haven't already read my blog, I'm thrilled to announce DRAGON HEAT made it into volume 1 of the Ellora's Cave anthology, with some great authors! Check out my blog for more info =) Red Hot Lover is with my editor and I'm now waiting for approval (hopefully) and then edits and a cover (seeing the cover is possibly my fav part!) I have another shifter story (panther) with another publisher, so hopefully there may be news on that one soon too.

3 August, 2011: I'm waiting for news on my 3rd Winged & Dangerous novel, as well as news on a short story with a dragon hero that I hope will make it into an Ellora's Cave anthology. Aside from that I haven't been getting a lot of writing done this week as I'm helping out with the Claytons online conference and getting geared up for that! Hope to post some great news soon! =)

16 July, 2011: Galactic Burn is released today YAY!!!! (15th July in US) Writing three heroes was actually a lot more challenging than I expected, so I can only hope my readers love the characters and world building as much as I did! =)

28 June, 2011: I'm excited to have finished a short erotic story for what I *hope* will be published in an anthology for Ellora's Cave. Writing it was a spur of the moment thing, and something that had to be done quickly to make it to the deadline announced -  hence it is yet to be named! What I can say is that it has a spy heroine and a dragon hero :) Once I'm completely happy with it, it will be back to my 3rd Winged & Dangerous ms and finally typing in 'the end'.

15 May, 2011: Brothers of the Otherworld is now titled Galactic Burn--with the series name yet to be confirmed. No release date as yet, but will update either here or my blog (or both) as soon as I know. My third gargoyle novel in the Winged & Dangerous series is all but finished--I just have to get my head out of a single title book I'm working on (g) and get back to it!

3 May, 2011: wow, has it really already been two months since my last post!!? Can hardly believe it! Happy to report my short novel, Brothers of the Otherworld (working title) has been sent to my lovely EC editor. Now I just have to wait and see if she likes it, as the story isn't anything like what I've ever done before -- and I'm not just talking the three men and one woman theme. Even so, I have my fingers crossed for the go ahead and whatever edits I recieve. I am also now waiting on my new harlequin editor to get back to me on a shape shifter novella I wrote for the bites line some time ago, but changed up a bit to fit the new cravings paranormal line. I actually started writing its sequel today when I should have been working on finishing off my third Winged & Dangerous novella. I have found though, if my heads not in the right place, my writing/story suffers for it, so best to get on with something else until the muse is in a better place =)

4 March, 2011: Moon Thrall was released yesterday, coinciding with one of my daughter's birthdays! Hope that is a good sign =) And now my co-authored book  Believe (100k) is out in cyber land, doing the agent thing, fingers crossed for good news soon! In the meantime I have three things -- well four things really to finish for 2011. 1) I have made a great start on my gargoyle series - Winged & Dangerous, book 3. This one will be rather HOT. 2) I have my alien book to finish and whoa!!! this one is WAY out of the box for me. Three heroes and one heroine -- there is reason behind the madness, wait and see (g). And lots of weird and wonderful worldbuilding too. 3) I promised myself that I'd pull one of my 'starter' books out (less than 5k done) and actually finish it. I got rid of a lot of my old ms's but do have half a dozen I can continue on with, which is great. I got my daughter to choose between three of them and she chose a ms where the heroine has an  *amazing* affinity with cats... 4) I have a single title, maybe mainstream novel I started some time ago, this one actually gave me shivers I was so excited about it. I read just a few pages this morning and all those good vibe feelings came back, so I am definately wanting to continue on with that project, maybe in a few months time.

16 February, 2011: Just saw on Ellora's 'coming soon' pages, MOON THRALL will be released March 2nd! (Australia March 3rd). Very happy! And I am just now putting the finishing touches to BELIEVE, and will be looking for an agent soon! BROTHERS OF THE OTHERWORLD, my alien story, is about 1/3 done, and I hope to submit it to EC early next month. IDENTITY SHIFT is still with my other editor at Harlequin, hoping it will fit their new Cravings line!

4 January, 2011: Wow, can't believe it's already into the new year!!! Ice-Cold Lover has been nominated for a CAPA award for the paranormal erotic category. Such a thrill! Winner will be announced Feb. I have also been sent the cover for Moon Thrall - and it is AWESOME!! You'll find it on my blog =)  Just now waiting for its revisions from my fabulous editor, and I'm hopeful it'll be released February, early March.

18 December, 2010: recieved my first review for Carnal Moon yesterday. Such a thrill when a reader loves my work =)

5 December, 2010: Sent off my novella, Identity Shift, to my Nocturne Bites editor yesterday. I'll put together a working blurb and post it up very soon. In short, the novella is about a human heroine, out to clear her archeolgy father's name. It features a panther shape shifter hero.

11 Novermber, 2010: Carnal Moon and my free read Discovering Sofia are now out at Ellora's Cave. Next step is to send off Identiy Shift (working title) to my Nocturne Bites editor by the beginning on December. Hoping Moon Thrall should be released early next year.

21 October, 2010: Moon Thrall will now be submitted as an Ellora's Cave novella. Details on my blog. Now deciding if I want to use a story already started as my next bites, or something that has been brewing in my mind. WIll know for sure once I've revised Moon Thrall for Ellora's Cave.

2nd October, 2010: Thought I'd give an update on my upcoming manuscripts. I have the third gargoyle story in my "Winged & Dangerous' series to write, I'm also about 10K in on an alien story for another Ellora's Cave book (possibly a series) with three hero's for my heroine (wry grin). Aside from that I'm finishing off a single title book with Kylie, my co-author, which is so indepth it will have taken us close to two years to complete!! And I have another single title started in the works which I'm also really excited about!1 These are what I'm concentrating on, though I also have a couple of other stories beckoning (one either a bites or a possible nocturne) which I've started some time ago.

2nd October, 2010: Updating my website with some things that are long overdue... reviews for Ice-Cold Lover, interviews etc. And adding my book trailer for the upcoming Quickies release, CARNAL MOON.

25th September, 2010: The release date for Carnal Moon is 28th October and my free read, Discovering Sofia is November 1st through Ellora's Cave.

3rd September, 2010: Discovered my werewolf story, Carnal Moon, on the "coming soon' page at Ellora's Cave. This is a 'quickies' story (around 10K word count) so it is a short but sexy read.

19th August, 2010: Just finished the edits to Carnal Moon, fingers crossed the release date is September sometime. Waiting on edits for my Bites story, Moon Thrall (working title). Currently polishing Believe, which I've co-written and I've started work on two other completely different stories. One an alien novel for Ellora's Cave and the other a single title works. I also have some ideas for another Bites story.

29th July, 2010: Working hard on Believe with my co-writer, Kylie, and the end is in sight! Wow, is all I can say about this book. It's so deep, so meaningful and though it's taken a long time to complete I think the end result will speak for itself! On a completely different book spectrum I've started work on an alien story with three heroes and one heroine. It's pretty out there, but fans of erotic fantasy will really enjoy this =) Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for edits on my Ellora's Cave short story "quickie' Carnal Moon and the Nocturne Bites story Moon Thrall.

21st July, 2010: My free short story (Naughty Nooner) has been accepted by Ellora's Cave and will be released soon! This is a contemporary story, just something a little different from my paranormal stories.

11th July, 2010: Carnal Moon was accepted by Ellora's Cave. Just now waiting on the edits and hope to have it released soon!! In the meantime I'm writing as much as I can on Believe =)

13th June, 2010: Late last night I sent off my werewolf short story (quickie) to my editor at Ellora's Cave. This is one another publisher wanted, but which I eventually declined to submit.With a few little rewrites and twigs, I hope it will be accepted by EC =)

4th June, 2010: Discovered some of my website has gone missing!! (go figure!) so will rectify asap

30th May, 2010: Ice-Cold Lover the book trailer (g) has just been made! I have the link on my blog, and will put it up on my website very soon!

6th May, 2010: Ice-Cold Lover now has a cover! Check out my blog for an early peek. This cover is by far my favourite so far, I just love it!

22nd April, 2010: Ice Cold Lover is due for release on the 26th May! I love my gargoyle characters and decided not to stop at just one book (Stone-Cold Lover) and continued on with another ms - with a third stewing along nicely. The series is to be called Winged & Dangerous. I'll probably leave the third book for a few months while I finish up some other ms commitments, which I want done and dusted.

21st April, 2010: Kallie Revealed was released today!!!! I've put up a trailer in celebration =)

24th March 2010: Ice Cold Lover was accepted by Ellora's Cave today. Have yet to do edits, but hope release isn't too far away!

9th March 2010: To check out the advanced excerpt of Kallie Revealed, go to my blog.

7th March 2010: Release date for my Ellora's Cave contemporary short story, KALLIE REVEALED, is April 20th.

2nd March 2010: Release day today for HER DARK LORD!!! I loved writing this vampire story =)

24th Feb 2010: Submitted Ice Cold Lover to Ellora's Cave yesterday. I can now press on with my next nocturne bites (werewolf) and write another chapter to the co-authored single title, Believe.

5thJan 2010: The cover of Her Dark Lord is finally here - to see go to the  "coming soon' page!

20th Jan 2010: My editor just emailed the official blurb for my Nocturne Bites story, Her Dark Lord. To check it out, go to the Coming Soon page!

It's official!! Along with my own blog, I'll be taking part in a brand new blog - LoveCats DownUnder, where I'll be posting news along with six other CATegory authors. We're having a blog launch party that'll be lots of fun with loads of book giveaways running the entire week, starting from the 11th Jan. Love to see you there!! 

(clicking on image will take you straight there!)